Rental Policy

Customer service’s is our #1 goal so please take a few minutes to read our rental policy and agreement to help prevent any unforeseen problems!


All rentals require a credit card deposit of $50.00 per unit at time of booking. For rentals that total over $500.00 require a 50% deposit. Equipment is being held for you and the deposit is non-refundable unless your cancellation is due to weather. (see weather cancellation policy below) Any customer pick ups carry a refundable deposit that is refunded upon return of equipment inthe condition it was sent out in.

There is a minimum of $150.00 on every rental for delivery. If your order does not meet that minimum you may be able to pick up the item(s) such as concessions, games, at our Algonquin location. No inflatable units can be picked up. There will be an additional credit card deposit that will be returned to you, at time item(s) are returned. All item(s) must be returned within 24 hours of pickup or extra daily charges may be incurred, unless already discussed with a manager.

The full balance is due at or before your scheduled setup time. If you are paying by credit card, payment needs to be made the Friday before your scheduled event. If you already have a card on file it will be charged the day prior unless we are otherwise informed. We also accept cash or business/organization checks, there is a $50.00 fee for checks returned for insufficient funds. The credit card that you use to secure your rental will be automatically charged the amount of the check, plus the $50.00 returned check fee. If this form of payment is also returned, you must replace the check plus the $50.00 fee with either cash or a certified check; within 5 business days to avoid further collection actions.

Not making good on returned check monies, is considered theft of services by law and can reported to your local police department as such and charges can be filed.


We will refund your deposit for weather cancellations ONLY you must call 24 hours prior to your start time or before 6am the morning of to cancel. Rain cancellations there must be a 50% chance of rain in your area or higher with-in 24 hours of your start time. We will not refund your deposit for rain cancellations, prior to 24 hours of you start time. If, you cancel prior to 24 hours of your start time, it will be considered a regular cancellation and you will lose your deposit. Any deposit forfeits can be used in the form of a gift card 2 weeks after your scheduled event or up to one year after. is the source we use to determine rain related cancelations; it is your responsibility to call to cancel, if you have not called to cancel prior to 6am the morning of your rental you will lose your deposit. If you agree to go forward with your rental and it rains during your rental time there are no refunds once you accept the equipment. A $50.00 dry out fee will be charged to your credit card if the percentage calls for 70% or higher chance of rain and the unit is wet at time of pick-up NO EXCEPTIONS.

If in the event Dino Jump Northern IL feels the weather conditions are not safe for our equipment to be installed, we reserve the right to cancel at any time. Any deposit monies paid will be fully refunded. We must receive a response back from you day of or there will be no refund. Cancellations for reasons other than weather; you must cancel 72 hours prior to your start time or you will owe 50% of the rental total; your deposit or monies paid will be good for up to one year from the date of cancellation. If you do not cancel 72 hours in advance or do not use your deposit and any monies paid within one year, it will be forfeited.

Preparations for Equipment Delivery:

Please make sure area required for proper and safe installation of equipment stated on your booking sheet are met;

Ground measurements, the entire area should be cleared of over head wires, tree branches, sticks, rocks, pet waste, etc.

If the equipment needs to be setup on a surface other then grass, it is your responsibility to notify us at time of booking. Certain safety equipment is needed for setup on surfaces other then grass.

If you have ordered an inflatable, most inflatables use 18” stakes to secure the unit. Most local ordinances require utilities to be burried 22" to 32" below ground. If you are concerned that yours is not it is your responsibility to call JULIE to have the utility lines marked prior to insulation of equipment. In some situations sprinkler systems will not allow us to stake down. If that is a concern you must inform us of this at time of booking and it is your responisibility to let our drivers know at time of delivery.

Link to JULIE website

If you are renting at a park, forest preserve, indoor facility, neighborhood block party, or at any location that may require a permit for the equipment you have ordered, it is your responsibility to obtain one. They may also require you to be added as an additional insured on our policy.

We carry $2,000,000 General Liability Insurance on all our rental equipment, if your event location needs to be added to our policy as an Addition Insured, there is a $40.00 non-refundable fee, if your event is canceled for any reason even for weather this fee is non-refundable. We have to pay this fee to our insurance carrier in advance and the fee is non-refundable to us once Insurance Certificate is issued.

If we deliver and the equipment you ordered does not fit in the area designated by you, cannot be installed because surface area is different than specified or not clear and safe, utility lines are not marked, a permit or Additional Insured Certificate were not obtained when needed; you did not cancel with-in 72 hours for reasons other than weather, the balance due is still your responsibility.

Cleaning fee:

All equipment is delivered to you in a cleaned and sanitized condition.

If equipment is an unreasonable dirty condition at time of pickup there will be a $50.00 cleaning fee, this will be automatically charged to your credit card NO exceptions.

If equipment is unreasonably dirty at time of set up and we will take care of the mater at that time. Some of our units may have been out the day prior and the drivers will clean he unit onsite before having you sign the waiver. Please understand that with leaves it can be difficult to completely clean them out due to the nature of these units being on the ground outdoors.

Definition of unreasonably dirty condition: abundance of mud, sand, food, drink, confetti, etc. in or on the outside of inflatable or on safety equipment used such as tarps, safety mats, sandbags etc.

Silly String:

Silly string is strictly prohibited in or around our inflatable equipment. If silly string gets on the vinyl they are made of, it does not come off and leaves a permanent stain. In the event our delivery staff finds silly string on our equipment at pick up, it will be brought to your attention and as part of our waiver that you signed at delivery, it will be your responsibility to replace the unit at your expense. Once we receive the replacement unit the damaged one will be yours to keep.

I know this stuff is super cheap and super fun for kids, but it is not worth the cost of replacing our equipment. So in the nicest way one can possibly ask, if your kids insist on having silly string, please save it for after the inflatable(s) get picked up. Thanks in advance!

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